News and marketing

 The two full up my mind for an influencer - news and marketing

People especially subscribers are considered your family. They belong to level 1. There are levels of marketing. 

The first is your own family and people who are associated with you. Whatever happens these would be your main fans., family. People associated with you. Take time to appreciate their presence. 

Second level are those who heard about you. You dont know them personally, but they subscribe tp you. They are acquainted through like affiliations, hobbies, talnts, etc. they are asking for piano pieces. They pay to subscribe. You need to deliver the services. 

Third, the leads. These are important as well. These are what we call the basket of goodies, the basin of the world. They are the population. 

Fourthare the threats. They are resolved to destroy you for selfish interests. These are the waste baskets and you dont have anything to do with them. But if they happen to pester you endlessly, welcome to the human race. These people are simply meant to improve you, make you more soncere, develo tour product and seevice. 

Effective marketing

Effective marketing is like news. People take a look at the news and the newsmaker. 

When i started in icc, i started to develop the news making. But i became negligent till the evil news prevailed. Poisoned minds, but noe, ly it under the table and simply learn from it. The simple message is to make you strong, to pick up the pieces, and start anew. 

The point is that therecwill always be evil lurking, threats and people cope up with them in their own way. Unfortunately, even churchmen are not exempt from being human.

Doing away with this, we proceed with marketing and news making. In todays tomes, these belong to the same boat with the same dynamics. The factors are as follows:

1. Consistency and regularity of news.  News happen everyday. What’s new this day? You should dtart making the news everyday. When do you stop? Here the bishop is correct. There’s a time to  stop making the news. 

In my case, there’s no stopping to the good news and to religious songs and future videos, commentsries and reflections. The news happen everyday. People need to know.,we have to skew the news


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